I Am A Unique ..... Tree
(Click On The Photo And It Will Take You To My Entire Blog)
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt
Art/Photo Tip of the Month: One Filter
If you can only buy one filter for your lens, make it a polarizer.
The recommended type of polarizer is circular because these allow your camera to use TTL (through the lens) metering such as auto exposure. This filter helps reduce reflections from water as well as metal and glass; it improves the colors of the sky and foliage and will help give your photos the WOW factor. It will do all that while protecting your lens. There’s no reason why you can’t leave it on for all of your photography.
"New" in Products:
Just a reminder, I can put YOUR PHOTOS on any medium (metal, canvas, acrylic, wood, etc) for you. Just email me (alanesava@comcast.net) your photo and I will give you a quote based on the size and medium you choose.
Ava's Photo of the Month: