Photographer Ava Lanes grew up in a small town in Western North Dakota. While in ND she owned a storefront gallery and framing business with her brother for over 13 years. She presently resides in Parachute, Colorado where she has her gallery and framing business of 25+ years entitled "Heritage Gallery and Frame." Her love for photography has always been a part of her life and her work.
Most of Ava’s photography features her home state of Colorado and captures the concurrent beauty of the Colorado landscapes. However, she has recently broadened her skills beyond landscape photography. Her gallery includes birds and
wildlife, doors and windows, benches, flowers, humankind, roads and pathways, macro views, seascapes and cityscapes, simplicity, and more.
Ava’s photographs have been recognized in several juried art shows throughout the states of Colorado, North Dakota, Utah, and Arizona. She was awarded “Best of Show” in a juried art show in Dickinson, ND and has been featured in Birds and Bloom’s Magazine on more than one occasion. Her work is displayed and can be purchased via Shooting Star Gallery, Red Lion Gallery and Studio, Grand Junction Subaru, and Midland Arts.
Click here to find Ava's work on display